Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Got a Bad Job Reference Blame Yourself

Got a Bad Job Reference Blame YourselfGot a Bad Job Reference?Got a Bad Job Reference Blame YourselfIn the courtroom, you NEVER ask a witness a question unless you already know the answer. Every lawyer from Atticus Finch to Denny Crane has taught us that. And the same principle holds true for your job references NEVER list anyone as a reference unless you know theyll speak highly of you.I read a newsletter recently that included a question from a woman whod been given a schwimmbad reference, and, as a result, did not get the job. She was especially ticked because the hiring manager would not tell her which former employer had badmouthed her (thats a pretty typical policy, BTW.) In the reply, executive coach Joan Lloyd rightly stated that it was the womans own responsibility to figure out who the naysayer was and revise her reference list accordingly. Taking that one step further, I would add that the bad reference was the womans own fault because she obviously failed to check her own references before she gave them out.OK, I confess Ive done the same thing. We probably all have. But we also know the risks you run when you assume that anyone you list as a reference will talk about you in glowing terms.I know it can be awkward to contact an old boss or colleague to ask for a favor. If you really cant face doing it yourself, there are fee-based services that will check your references for you.But there are at least three powerful reasons to just do it yourself1. Its the polite thing to do.Its simply not cool to submit someones name and contact information to another party without their knowledge and consent. If theres time, make your request by email to avoid putting the person on the spot which brings me to my next point2. It gives them a chance to say NO.There are all sorts of reasons a person might NOT want to be a reference for you (which may or may not have anything to do with you). When asking someone to be your reference, its important that you give them a n easy way out. If you just ask point-blank, Can I use you as a reference?, theyll probably feel obliged to say yes, even if they want to say no. To be safe, always include a line such asIf you wouldnt feel comfortable providing a positive reference, please feel free to decline. I know a lot of employers frown on giving out references these days, so I completely understand if you cant do it.That way, they can save face by saying, I wish I could, but its against company policy. The last thing you need is to have someone agree to provide a reference, only to damn you with faint praise.3. It allows you to coach them on what to say.Once you have an enthusiastic yes from your reference, go ahead and let them know what youd like them to share (or not share) with your prospective employers. Youre actually doing them a favor by providing suggestions, since they might find it tough to come up with specific compliments off the cuff. Dont write a script, but give them some ideas by using such statements asIm applying for ___ jobs, so Id appreciate if you could address my ___ qualifications more than my ___ skills.It would be great if you could mention my success on the ___ team. Remember that time we were up against that crazy deadline with no budget?They seem really interested in my ___ background, so if you could mention how thats one of my biggest strengths, it would definitely help my case.I also highly recommend sending a copy of your current resume and cover letter to all your references so they can see exactly what youre saying about yourself. It will help refresh their memories of what you did for them and give them ideas of other nice things to say about you.On a related note, if youre asking your references for an online recommendation on LinkedIn, help them with some reference material, such as this one from JibberJobber.com.On another related note, dont put References Available upon Request on your resume. Of course youll provide references if they ask you do nt have to waste valuable resume space spelling it out.Bottom line Pre-screening your references is the best way to avoid the surprise stab in the back. When it comes to bad references, theres no cure, only prevention.UPDATE 10/08 Heresa link withsome suggestions for bad-reference damage control Have you had employment references who really helped or hurt your job search efforts?Add your thoughts or questions to the Comments box and well post a reply

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why Youre Unhappy at Work and How to Feel Better - The Muse

Why Youre Unhappy at Work and How to Feel Better - The MuseWhy Youre Unhappy at Work and How to Feel Better Ever elendice how nine out of 10 people run cold when the subject turns to how someones job is going. People who hate what they do struggle to respond without anger and contempt. Reporting to a horrible boss or being forced to do boring and mundane work all day, every day, are among the chief complaints. While we can all agree that these are valid issues, I think theres also something to be said for causing your own dissatisfaction at work.Before you X out of this piece and go back to being miserable, hear me out.For years youve been taught that if a job makes you unhappy, you should quit, because its obviously your boss fault or your co-workers or your moms. But, what if you actually have mora control over your happiness at work than you think? Id be willing to bet that you know at least one person who is a serial job hopper. He gets a job, finds an issue with said job, and be fore his work email is completely set up, hes already logged onto LinkedIn trying to find a new gig.Yes, there are many valid reasons for wanting to leave a company- no one should be forced to stick it out in a hostile work environment- but, if your main reasons always seem to be centered on the fact that your co-workers just dont get you or that youre bored (again) and not sure how to stay motivated, its time to take a long, hard look at the person in the mirror and be honest about the root cause of your unhappiness you. Its not an easy task to see beyond your dissatisfaction to lay bare the ways in which youre contributing to the madness, but its undoubtedly helpful. Here are three ways you may be sabotaging your own happiness on the job- and, because I want you to be happy, solutions for how to nip these practices in the bud.1. Youre Not Setting the Right GoalsGoals are what motivate us in every area of our lives. Whether you want to lose weight, learn to cook, or get a promotion , the first step is to get really clear on what you want to accomplish and why. The key here though is that its not enough to just set goals for the sake of doing so. In order to be successful, you have to make sure youre setting the right goals.Just because your colleague wants to become the supervisor of the department or your best friend wants to take on a huge client at her company, it doesnt mean that these need to be your aspirations as well. If youre chasing something you dont genuinely want in the first place, or worse, if you have nothing to work toward at all, its only a matter of time before you lose your motivation and it becomes an exercise in will power and positive self-talk to make it into the office every day. The first question to ask yourself is Where do I want to be in the next one to five years, professionally? If this one doesnt get anything turning in your head, instead ask yourself what makes you feel fulfilled professionally? Once you have that list, you can start plotting out your path on how youll get from where you are now to a job that hits as many bullets on that list as possible (a.k.a., a five-year plan).2. Youre Not Building Your Following at WorkGrowing your followers isnt something that should be relegated to social media. When I think back to the best work environments Ive been in over the years, its clear they were on teams where I felt supported- not only by my boss, but also by my colleagues. Having a group of people who encourage you to be your best, who care about your well-being, and who provide a good laugh every now and then goes a long way in making your job satisfying.Many people complain about working in an unfriendly environment, but never stop to think about how theyre contributing to this dynamic. In order to develop a community of allies at work, you need to be likable and a team player. Youve got to show up as someone who is worthy of support and collaboration by also being supportive and collaborative with o thers. It wont be something that comes without a little bit of work, but anyone can tell you that working around people you actually like (and who like you back) is one of the most crucial aspects of work happiness. Why not volunteer to help your colleague run point on the big project due next month when she asks for any takers? Or challenge yourself to go to lunch with a different co-worker at least once a month to get to know something more than how he signs off on emails.3. Youre Not Being Your Authentic SelfAbove all else, one of the major ways people sabotage their own happiness at work is by not keeping it real with themselves. Any time youre doing, saying, or acting in a way that isnt aligned with the real you, youll naturally feel uncomfortable. The fix may seem easy- just be yourself- but in a lot of cases, its not that simple to carry out.Certain workplaces encourage you to communicate, act, and dress a certain way so that you fit in and avoid rocking the carefully crafted boat. It can be daunting to think about breaking away from the status quo. And yet, think about what you stand to lose if you dont. Most people who are unhappy at work immediately see their perspectives shift as soon as they start to bring their real selves to the office each day. Theres always a way to infuse who you really are into everything you do at work- whether its by not being afraid to give your honest opinion, standing up for yourself when needed, or even just decorating your desk- without being unprofessional. Think about who you are outside the office and who you are when youre there. Of course you cant always use the same language or dress the same in both places, but who you are- at your core- shouldnt be that different.Work is a fact of life for most people. This is why the goal should be to make it as enjoyable as possible. After all, we spend more time sitting at our desks than we do anywhere else, and it would be disappointing if you spent all that time unhappy. I know its easier said than done (especially when youre buried under feelings of aggression and resentment), but if you can take a moment to stop complaining and instead consider that it may just be younot your positionthat needs to change, you could be well on your way to liking your job. Photo of man looking frustrated courtesy of Frisco/Getty Images.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Do I Really Need to Send a Cover Letter With My Resume

Do I Really Need to Send a Cover Letter With My Resume Do I Really Need to Send a Cover Letter With My Resume Some career experts say deckblatt letters are an absolute must and that the notion of omitting the cover letter is absurd. Others, however, believecover letters are dead or dying slowly.Studies have shown that cover letters dont matter all that much to many employers. According to Addison Group, a Boston-based employment agency, only 18 percent of hiring managers rankthe cover letter as important. fruchtwein hiring managers feel interviews, resumes, and references are much more important.Its clearthat the emphasis on cover letters has decreased throughout the years. So do you really need one anymore?It depends.If youre spending time submitting job applications online and anemployer asks for a cover letter, I say CYA and write the cover letter.But if youre smart, and you agree with me that you shouldfind people, not jobs, then the traditional cover letter may not have a plac e in yourjob search process. What youll need is an introductory note instead.What Is an Introductory Note?An introductory note is what you write when you have been referred to a hiring manager or have found your future babo through research and are ready to reach out to them directly.Of course, youll attach a resume, but in the body of the email, youre going to write an introductory note which is quite reminiscent of a cover letter, although shorter.But its 2017 Who has time to actually read their emails?Skimming is the name of the game. Thats why you want to keep your note short and sweet. You need to get right to the point and cut the fluff. Your note should pack a real punchWhere your traditional cover letter may have started off with a paragraph about where you found the job ad and how delighted you were to learn of the opportunity (blah blah blah), the modern-day introductory note or eNote conveys your value in a meaningful way, shows the benefit of having you on board, and a sks for a follow up conversation in 200 words or less.Here are some ideas of what to say in your note, in caseyou need help gettingyour creative juices flowingHighlight accomplishmentsWithout repeating whats in the resume, including quantifiable achievements is a great way to portray your unique value. Just remember to make it meaningful and relevant to the new role.Mention why you are a good fit for the companyEach business has a certain culture and takes pride in a set of core values. If you were drawn to certain aspects of the companys business model, mention this and show how your work ethic aligns with itsvision.Demonstrate your industry knowledgeMentioning aa historical fact or recent happenings related to your chosen field or target company shows your interest level and enthusiasm not to mention its also impressive.Add the reason for your career change If you are looking to pursue a new career, this could be an ideal place to discuss the reason you want to get into this new area and how your background has prepared you for a successful vocation in the new industry.You could go a few different directions with this note, but make sure you understand your audience (the person youre emailing) and appeal to their specificneeds.With the eNote, you have an advantage. Because you knowexactly who will be reading your note, you are in a much better position to appeal to them and speak in their terms. For example,writing to a hiring manager (your future boss) is much different from contactingan HR representative.I alwayssay go for the future boss they will be most impressed with your skill set and background. Since they are closest to your day-to-day work duties, they can appreciate your capabilities, achievements, and passion.So, my take on the cover letter debate?It may appear to be dying, but it certainly isnt dead. Its somewhat of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, morphing into something much more beautiful and inspiring than before.Melanie L. De nny is president ofResume-Evolution.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Not doing this dramatically decreases your chance at landing an interview

Not doing this dramatically decreases your chance at landing an einstellungsgesprchNot doing this dramatically decreases your chance at landing an interviewYoung professionals seeking to distinguish themselves in a sea of peers boasting similar assets might do well to consider boosting their visibility online-specifically via the massive business and employment-oriented service, known as Linkedin.Anew resume study conducted by ResumeGo posits that job applicants with comprehensive Linkedin profiles can increase their chances of scoring an interview by a shocking 71%.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWhat does a comprehensive profile looklike?ResumeGo began with a field experiment that compiled 24,570 fictitious resumes between October 9, 2018, and March 8, 2019. These resumes were sent to job openings found onvarious recruiter sites, namely ZipRecruiter, Indeed, and Glassdoor.One- third of these fake resumes contained no Linkedin profile whats so ever, abedrngnisher third featured bare-bones Linkedin profiles and the final third contained a link to a detailed Linkedin profile. Callback rates were then recorded based on these precursors.The authors defined a bare-bone Linkedin profile as one that featured a bio under 500 characters, five connections or less, no descriptions filled out for any of the work experiences listed, and no profile picture.Conversely, a comprehensive Linkedin profile was defined as one that contained summaries over 1,000 characters, 300 connections or more, dense bullet-point or paragraph based descriptions for every work experience section list and a professional headshot.These applicants sent their resumes off to 8,190 jobs in a wide range of industries, including finance, marketing, accounting, human resources, technology, science, engineering, education, retail, and healthcare.Based on the results of the field experiment, job applic ants who included a link to a comprehensive LinkedIn profile on their resumes received a callback rate of 13.5%, which is 71% higher than the 7.9% callback rate of job applicants who didnt have a LinkedIn profile at all, the authors of the study report.Interestingly enough, not only did having a bare-bones Linkedin profile offer no discernible boosts to callback rates, these resumes actually were slightly less likely to receive a callback than resumes that didnt have a Linkedin profile at all.The researchers noted how their data affected different job levels. Employers seeking employees for higher level positions were not as affected by comprehensive LinkedIn profiles as employers seeking workers for low-level positions. The authors explain, The findings showed that as job level increased, the gap in callback rates decreased between job applicants with a comprehensive LinkedIn profile and job applicants with no LinkedIn profile at all.All in all, if youre going to have a Linkedin pr ofile at all, be sure to put time and effort into it otherwise, it can only hurt you.The study believes this is the case because employers, on some level, associate bare-bones Linkedin profiles with low-quality work. The authors continue, Theyd rather see no LinkedIn profile at all than see one that lacks any effort put into it. This is, of course, just conjecture, and more research and professional input would be required before drawing any strong conclusions.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

3 reasons why you should start your New Years resolutions now

3 reasons why you should departure your New Years resolutions now3 reasons why you should departure your New Years resolutions nowJanuary 2018 is almost here, but if youre looking to go into next year in better shape than before, now might be the time to start working ahead to achieve your goals.Heres why you should consider starting your new years resolution in December instead of January, when everyone else will be in the same boat.Youll give yourself a head startTheres nothing like getting the ball rolling on something thats been in your mind for ages.So why wait? You might as well get started now so youll be able to enjoy the momentum youve put into place.Youre competing against yourself, so you might as well do everything you can to push through, if working toward the resolution is something you feel like you cant live without.Plus, youll already have done some of the work, so there will be less of the daunting pressurethat comes with starting something new at the beginning of t he year.Youll be ahead of the gameSay you want to get back in shape, but have super busy schedule - instead of waiting until the holidays are over and 2018 is here, head to the gym before masses of people flock in during the first week of January.The same thing applies to your resolutions for next year If you want to beat the competition in your field, and/or enhance your skills,you might as well start now, before everyone is trying to do what youve set out to accomplish.Youll be able to get any additional resources you think youll needChristy Wright, business coach and author of Business Boutique, talks to Entrepreneur Network partner Emily Richett at a Business Boutique event about how to get a business off the ground in a video about how to stop dreaming and start doing.One of Wrights tips is to start with what you have.When you start with what you have, what you do is you reduce your cost and you reduce the risk, and so it makes entry into the marketplace so much easier, she sa ys. Make it easy on yourself. What skills or experience do you have? What are you naturally good at? When you start with that, you make it easy on yourself to win.That being said, when you start a big project for 2018 from that perspective, its a lot easier to see what additional resources you might need down the line.Wright later adds that if you dont go ahead and launch, you never get that feedback from your audience of what they need more of.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Hidden Gem of Manufacturing Engineer Resume

The Hidden Gem of Manufacturing Engineer Resume From it, youre going to be able to comprehend whats important to the employer for hiring for the engineering position, after which it is possible to craft an outstanding objective that meets their needs for the position. Identify distinctive and impressive work youve done related to the position. Just make sure to tailor your resume to the particular job position which you are targeting. Possessing several desired positions or an overall statement about working in engineering may be negative. Your engineering Resume Templates is a powerful advertising tool, so make the the majority of it. In your CV, you are going to want to be certain you highlight the specific skills that you have that force you to excel at what you do. Do leid incorporate any information on your CV which might be deemed controversial. Its possible to find out more about what things to put in your CV from our mechanical engineer CV example. Its possible to be a project manager or maybe to specialise in a specific area and concentrate on research and development. The only way that you can do so is to learn more regarding the building firm and why youre a critical addition to the workforce. A structural engineer is to blame for designing all kinds of structure so it can fulfil a particular purpose, and stay safe, economic and functioning throughout its intended lifetime. Another factor of the employment increase is the expanding need for companies to cut back production expenses and boost productivity. What Has to be Done About Manufacturing Engineer Resume Before Its Too Late Also, let people know that youre looking for work and the sort of work youre hoping to find. Being an engineer means having the capability to address complex issues and do tasks most individuals are usually incapable of. You are able to help change the Earth, but well help you become hired first. Similarly in the event you belong to the area of academia, t hen you could have a 5 to 6 page resume also. So demand is growing day by day. After the work market isnt moving, its your choice to produce your own momentum. There are several things you have to take into account while creating a winning resume to acquire industrial engineers post. There are also lots of opportunities for working overseas, as youll be qualified to work any distributions-mix in the world. As soon as you have met the academic requirements for your favorite grade of membership you may progress towards professional status. Review your states requirements to make sure you satisfy the minimal qualifications before applying. Depending on the businesss requirement developer has to develop the program. Overview A candidate applying for the place of a desktop support engineer will have to put a whole lot of information pertinent to supplying hardware and software solutions. The Little-Known Secrets to Manufacturing Engineer Resume Engineers typically utilize kinem atics in the plan and analysis of mechanisms. Manufacturing engineers enjoy improving the manufacturing process from beginning to end. They can work in a variety of environments. They can be involved in all stages of producing goods and are responsible for determining what equipment will be used and the specific method that will be followed to produce particular items. Details of Manufacturing Engineer Resume Although engineering job profile encompasses a wide variety of specialties, efficient resume strategies are required for particular disciplines. In the manufacturing engineer CV example above, you can understand that the duties and abilities connected with the position are highlighted. Opportunely, engineering resumes have an extremely straightforward format. Demand for manufacturing engineers is anticipated to go up. Furthermore, you can find out more about manufacturing careers and hund for manufacturing engineer jobs on Monster. So you would like a job for a manufa cturing engineer. For an engineer whos into designing and innovating, its crucial to write what it is you are good at on your resume. Manufacturing Engineer Resume - Dead or Alive? Long resumes convey the image that youve got a tough time articulating your point. You are going to have to tailor each one to every work description. It is crucial to present a thorough job description. Making work description is a significant task that should be taken seriously. However much experience that you have, the cover letter is your opportunity to spell out why youre the very best fit for the job. As a way to impress the employers and find the position you want, a suitable cover letter and resume is needed. Ensure everything you list is pertinent to the job which you desire. Youre able to easily create winning resumes and cover letters designed to help you have the job you desire.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How to Incorporate Proven Marketing Tactics into Recruiting

How to Incorporate Proven absatzwirtschaft Tactics into RecruitingRecruiters Put your absatzwirtschaft hat on w/these tips from stephenshinnanClick To TweetIn the 23rd episode of The Recruiting Reel, Stephen Shinnan, the Director of Marketing and Business Development at TalentMap, discusses how you can leverage modern marketing techniques to make an impact on your recruiting process. Heres the transcriptJosh TolanMy name is Josh Tolan and Im the CEO of Spark Hire, the leading video interviewing platform used by thousands of organizations around the world.And this is The Recruiting Reel, a video series in which we discuss real recruiting challenges with prominent recruiting experts to provide you with actionable tips you can apply to your own recruiting.Weve all heard how recruiters need to be work like marketers, but its not so easy if you dont come from a marketing background. How do you know where to start?Thats why we asked Stephen Shinnan to join us for this episode on how to inc orporate proven marketing tactics into your recruiting process.Stephen is the Director of Marketing and Business Development at TalentMap which provides powerful verbunden employee survey software and support services that help you act on your results to create meaningful change and improve employee engagement.He not only has 10+ years in senior marketing roles, but he also recruited for many different positions while working as a marketing leader.Alright, Stephen, time to give the audience some marketing tactics to apply to their recruitingCraft a candidate profileStephen Shinnan Hi, my name is Stephen Shinnan and Im Director of Marketing and Business Development at TalentMap. We help our clients improve employee engagement utilizing employee surveys, and ultimately, acting on the results. So Ive been asked by Spark Hire to provide a couple of marketing tips as they relate to recruiting.Over the last ten years, Ive recruited for numerous marketing and sales positions. And the role I find the most challenging to fill is the outside sales role. Ive worked the majority of my career in professional services, and in professional services, relevant past experiences can be absolutely critical. So, when you go into market with a job ad, often what I find is a great deal of unqualified candidates, regardless of how specific a job ad might be.One strategy Ive developed over time is reminiscent of a targeted email marketing strategy. Whenever Im going into market with a new job, I start by crafting a candidate profile. This is very similar of that to a buyer persona. I list everything from their values, past experience, and tenure.Once I have this very specific candidate profile, I write an email to this individual. Then I go online and utilize LinkedIn and other mediums to about 20-30 individuals that match my qualifications. Just like in email marketing, you can have a list of 10,000 recipients. If you send that email to all 10,000 individuals, the likelihood of your message really resonating with all of them is pretty low. We found in email marketing that often if you segment our your lists and you write more specific, targeted emails, your response rates and click-through rates go up.Just like in email marketing, what Ill do is send to those 20-30 individuals. Whereas, if you put a job ad out, you might get 150 resumes and youll have to sift through all those resumes. If youre a small business, that can be really challenging.While I send it out to 20-30 individuals, Ill typically get the same shortlist I would if I went to market with a job ad. While I find this method to be a little more work up front, it saves you a lot of time later on in terms of going through unqualified candidates. It also creates a better candidate experience. Its a very simple tip, maybe youre doing it already, maybe youre not, but I hope I brought you some value today. Thank you.Createprofile-based strategiesJosh TolanAwesome stuff, Stephen. You offered a great starti ng point and an actionable strategy to act on.Recruiters every position you recruit for should start with the creation of an ideal candidate profile. Then, everything you do to attract and hire candidates for this position should align with this candidate profile.Start with your job advertisement. Tailor it to speak to the candidate profile youre trying to attract.Next, create your outbound email templates as Stephen described.Then, develop supporting content that you can use throughout the hiring process.This can include personalized videos from you, the hiring manager, or future teammates. You can highlight specific employee testimonials or things about your company that candidates who match your candidate profile would find attractive.Use your team for guidanceHow do you build this persona? Well, start with the people you already have on staff in the same or similar role. Use their feedback as guidance and then adjust over time.If its the first time youre recruiting for this rol e at your company, work with the hiring manager, reach out to your personal network as you may already know some people who are in a similar role, and join communities that you believe your ideal candidate would be apart of.I want to thank Stephen Shinnan for coming on The Recruiting Reel. If youd like to learn more about what Stephen and the rest of the TalentMap team are up to, check out their website at talentmap.com. To connect with Stephen on LinkedIn, please use the URL below (https//www.linkedin.com/in/stephenshinnan). Also, follow him on Twitter StephenShinnan.Thank you for watching The Recruiting Reel and stay tuned for more episodes. For additionalHR and recruiting content, head over to hr.sparkhire.com and subscribe. Also, follow us on Twitter,sparkhire. And subscribe to ourYouTube channelto be the first to know about the newest episodes of The Recruiting Reel.Thanks again for watching and happy recruiting

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Put your Company Culture Front and Center in the Interview

Put your Company Culture Front and Center in the InterviewPut your Company Culture Front and Center in the InterviewPut your Company Culture Front and Center in the Interview MatusonYour company brand may not be as strong as Google, but that doesnt mean you cant compete with the big guys for talent.Put your company culture and brand front and center when you conduct an bewerbungsinterview with top talent and youll have a better chance of hiring them.Weave your Brand into the InterviewAs I talk about in thisemployment brand webinar, your company brand is your companys personality. Its what differentiates you from everyone else. To best leverage it, you must recognize what makes your organization unique the key is to then incorporate it into your hiring process and weave it into interview questions.For example, suppose you own a small catering company. Food is ingrained in the culture of this type of geschftlicher umgang fruchtwein likely you are seeking to hire people who are creativ e and passionate about food.Instead of posing stale interviewing questions such as How would you describe your former boss, engage the candidate with interview questions that allow your company brand to shine.Ask candidates interview questions such as Think of a dish that best describes your most recent boss. Framing your question this way will allow you to ascertain how creative the candidate can be. Youll quickly get a sense of how this person will fit into your organizational culture. At the saatkorn time, candidates will realize your company is anything but ordinary.Interviewing for ConsistencyConsistency is also an important job skill for geschftslebenes that heavily rely on accuracy. To test for this in the interview, ask candidates how they would respond to specific work scenarios that relate to your business and pay close attention to their response.For example, if you run an auto shop, ask the applicant to walk you through the steps he would take when changing car brakes. T hose that rush through the process and leave out important details are clearly not the right people for your business. Applicants that provide the correct steps and take pride in their answers are the ones that should be given further consideration.To determine how well candidates takes direction, ask applicants to describe a time when they thought they were right, yet were required to follow company protocol even though they didnt agree with it. How did they handle this situation?If your company culture is one that encourages people to speak up, then share this with candidates. If not, then explain why closely following directions is vital in your business.Put Company Perks Up FrontIn todays competitive hiring environment, candidates are expecting to hear about company perks that come with the job. Your small business may not have room for a large foosball table, but that doesnt mean your team doesnt like to have fun.Make a list of the many benefits of working for your small compan y, such as free tickets to local sporting events include intangible items such as working side by side with the boss and having autonomy to do your job. When conducting an interview, be sure to highlight those items on your list.During the job interview, ask candidates what type of perks matter most to them. Then pull from your list and talk about those programs that would be most appealing to the candidate.Perhaps the candidate is interested in fitness. Respond by discussing your philosophy on wellness at work and how that ties into your perks. If socializing is tops on this candidates list, then discuss group activities that are part of the social scene at work.Highlight your Workplace FlexibilityWorking 9-5 used to be appealing to the masses not so much anymore. How work gets done and how its scheduled can distinguish your companys culture from competitors.If your small business culture offers workplace flexibility, then highlight this when interviewing candidates. You can do so by asking candidates when they are most productive. This will allow you to promote your flexible work hours. Youll also be able to determine if their internal clock matches your companys time clock.For instance, I know one small business owner who hires workers to pull long shifts during his busy season. When conducting interviews, he always mentions the hours that everyone is required to work. He also weaves in stories regarding his employees who are able to pursue their passion during off-peak times.One such employee goes on tour with his band during the slow months and returns to resume his duties during this business owners peak business cycle. This savvy business owner is able to recruit large company employees because hes using his companys size and small business culture as an advantage.Tout a Great WorkplaceThe office environment certainly matters when it comes to attracting candidates. This is usually where large businesses have the advantage given their large budget. This is not usually the case for small business owners. Dont be discouraged, however. Astute candidates will recognize that beauty is only skin deep.Work with what youve got. One small business owner gave his team a small budget to design their common workspace. The results were a direct reflection of the company brand. The business owner conducts job interviews in this space he always mentions to candidates that this type of collaboration is part of the companys culture.This is a smart business move. If a candidate is drawn to an environment that is keen on collaboration, theyll be attracted to this business. If not, then this business owner has saved himself from all the ramifications that occur when you hire someone who is not the right fit for your business.Leveraging the many benefits of being a small business employer will enable you to capture the hearts and minds of candidates in a job market where big isnt necessarily better.Heres to your hiring successAuthor BioRoberta Chinsky Matuson, president of Matuson Consulting is author of the best-selling books Talent Magnetism How to Build a Workplace That Attracts and Keep the Best and Suddenly in Charge. Her company helps leaders in the Fortune 500 as well as small and medium-size businesses achieve dramatic growth and market leadership through the maximization of talent. She is frequently quoted in business publications and is a top-ranking blogger for Fast Company and Forbes.

Friday, November 22, 2019

One Surefire Way to Stand Out in Your Job Search

One Surefire Way to Stand Out in Your Job Search One Surefire Way to Stand Out in Your Job Search Imagine if employers saw you as not just another job applicant, but as an expert in your field. Think how it would feel to point recruiters to the speech you gave at a prestigious conference or your Masters thesis on your industry.If youre not a well-know entrepreneur or senior executive, you might think thats just a pipe dream. But its not No matter what you do for a living, the Internet makes it possible for you to establish yourself as an expert. There are lots of ways you can do this, and many of them take time. For example, you could start a blog and build up an audience. You could tweet about your profession and attract attention that way. You could build up a strong verbunden presence by writing articles for trade publications. All of these are excellent strategies for building awareness.But what if you dont have the time or inclination to write regularly?Thats where my solution c omes in. Meet Squidoo.Squidoo is a free web publishing site that allows anyone to sign up and create web pages (called lenses).Here are a couple of lenses so you can see what Im talking aboutThe Best and Most Effective Way to Promote Your Business50 Ways to use Twitter These pages are quick and easy to create the interface is very intuitive and they offer lots of help. Best of all, the service is completely free. in fact, if you attract a lot of traffic to your page, you can actually earn money, but thats another story. For now, I want to focus on how Squidoo can help you further your career goals.How Can You Use Squidoo to Stand Out?Heres all you need to do.Create a Squidoo page that demonstrates your professional knowledgeWe all carry around enormous stores of knowledge about what we do for a living knowledge that cant be communicated in a two-page resume or short cover letter. Squidoo allows you to share that knowledge with other people while also positioning yourself as an aut hority.A sales person could create a page called How to Grow Revenues Through Solution SellingAn world wide web marketer could create a page called The Top 10 Web Analytics Tools and How to Use Them.An executive assistant could write An Executive Assistants Guide to Organization.A benefits administrator could write Understanding Your Health care Plan A Quick Guide.A plumber could write several pages on simple household problems such as How to Unblock a Sink. Include your page (or pages) in all job search correspondenceAdd a link to your page into your resume. Either at the end of your resume profile, or at the end of the actual resume, say something like Learn more about my approach to sales in my article How to Grow Revenues Through Solution Selling and include a link to your page.Include the same statement in cover letters or emails to eignung employers/recruiters. Add a link in your email signature. Link to the page on your LinkedIn page or Google profile. Now Youre an ExpertJus t like that, you have positioned yourself as a knowledgeable candidate. Marketers know that establishing a sense of authority is one of the keys to selling a product or service. The same applies to marketing yourself to potential employers. Show them that you know your stuff and they will instantly think more highly of you.You have also shown that you are serious about your work. Employers are looking for dedicated, hard-working employees who care about what they do. Its hard to tell that from a resume. But someone who took the time to write an article about his profession? Thats someone I want to meet.Photo by suvodeb

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Surprising results about wearing headphones and productivity

Surprising results about wearing headphones and productivitySurprising results about wearing headphones and productivityYou see it in practically every company environment, especially those with open plan officespeople wearing headphones. Headphone usage at work was much more controversial a decade ago, when most employers would likely have equated this behavior with elend focusing on the job. But today, its a given at many organizations that a contingent of employees will opt to createpersonal focus and gruppierung out distractions by donning some form of earbuds.Does this strategy help or hinder productivity, and why are people really using headphones while working?A new study by Cloud Cover Music of over 1,000 employees and employers on music at workfound that wellover half (56%) of employees regularly use headphones in the office. The research also revealed some truths about this behavior that you might not expect- and which might provide you with the fuel you need to request mor e workplace flexibility from your employer. Here are some of the top findings.Tuning out colleagues.Nearly half of people surveyed (46%) said they have used headphones toavoid talking to their coworkers, and just under a third (30%) use headphones primarily tocancel outside noise. Certain industries saw even higher percentages of people choosing to wear headphones as conversation blockers, including government and public administration employees (around two-thirds of unterstellung groups) transportation and warehousing employees (nearly 60%) and technology, scientific, and marketing/advertising employees (at least half of the workers in each of these groups).Its an interesting revelation, particularly when you think about the ramifications of working in open-office spaces. Proponents of open-office cultures often feel such barrier-free work zones will create greater collaboration and an ongoing opportunity for valuable information exchange among team members. The fact is, though, th at if youre responsible for specific workplace deliverables, at some point, the chatter must cease in order to actually produce anything. This studys results suggest thatmany employeesarent able to focus in their work environmentwithout creating a barrier between themselves and others via headphones.Getting work done.The finding about using headphones to tune out colleagues also may be of interest concerning theproductivity benefits of workplace flexibility. The study found that the vast majority of employees (nearly 80%) feel that listening to music increases their productivity at work, and around two-thirds of workers feel this way about wearing headphones in general.People who are forced to engage in face time at the office have to choose between being able to zero-in on their work, or chatting with colleagues- and when the former is needed, it often leads people to try to block out the noise (and those around them) with noise-cancelling headphones or music. When you work from ho me or remotely, however,you have much more control over creating therightsituations, at the right time, to connect with colleagues without having to worry that it means not getting the job done.If youve been looking for an angle torequest a work-from-home arrangement, consider sharing these findings with your employer. While theideaof constant collaboration and access may appeal to certain people in certain positions, the reality is that those who are charged with focusing and producing things during their workdayneed a zone thats free from distractions to achieve this. If the only way you can get your work done in the office is to screen others out by wearing headphones, perhaps its time for a change.This article was originally posted on FlexJobs.